This porridge marathon has been organised by See The Difference to raise funds for the Scottish charity Mary's Meals. Their aim is to alleviate world hunger by providing school children in Malawi with a daily mug of porridge. This encourages children to stay in school & allows them to concentrate on their studies. Mcheza Primary School is in the rural Balaka District of Southern Malawi, Mary's Meals want to be able to feed their 509 students for one year. To do that it costs just £6.15 per student...doesn't sound a lot does it? Herein lies The Power of Porridge :-)
Click here if you would like to help & thanks to See The Difference, you'll get an update on the progress of the project & how your donation is making a difference. Thank you!
Back to Sue & the Porridge Lady....
Now I admit that my porridge repertoire is rather limited & doesn't extend much beyond honey & the odd sultana, but the Porridge Lady takes it to a whole other level. Porridge that tastes like cake, marvellous! Here's a look at all 7 recipes & a link to a clip of them in action in the kitchen.
Day 1 - Carrot Cake Porridge
Day 2 - Oat Groats Frumenty
Day 3 - Chocolate Orange Mousse Porridge
Day 4 - Brambleberry Harvest Porridge
Day 5 - Marmalade Madness Porridge
Day 6 - Mixed Meal Porridge
Day 7 - Spotted Dick Porridge
Day 2 - Oat Groats Frumenty
Day 3 - Chocolate Orange Mousse Porridge
Day 4 - Brambleberry Harvest Porridge
Day 5 - Marmalade Madness Porridge
Day 6 - Mixed Meal Porridge
Day 7 - Spotted Dick Porridge
Let me know what you think if you try any of these recipes, or if you have your own recipe you'd like to share? I now have an overwhelming urge to go & read Goldilocks & the 3 Bears...
Till next time, Rebecca x
If you want to see more about Mary's this.
Till next time, Rebecca x
If you want to see more about Mary's this.